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MSCP’s Guidelines on Providing Psychological Services during the Covid-19 Era


We currently live in an unprecedented time under the shadow of a pandemic. The toll exacted by Covid-19 ranges from disruption to the way we live our life, our health, family bonds, relationships, how we make our livelihoods and the world’s economy to name a few. Our ‘normal’ as we knew it has changed. And mental health issues will be at the forefront of this fight against Covid-19 as we adjust to a new normal for all of us.

Psychologists and mental health professionals will be the vanguard, being called upon to manage the psychological fallout from this pandemic in the days to come. As such, MSCP has adapted guidelines from the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH), World Health Organization (WHO), American Psychological Association (APA), British Psychological Society (BPS), and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to come up with guidelines for our members to continue to provide much needed services in a safe yet effective manner.

Safety, be it for us, the practitioners, and for our clients are paramount. We have listed here some guidelines that will cover the following areas:

In Person Psychotherapy


Psychological Assessment

Working with Children

Group Therapy

Working with Covid-19 Positive Patients

Working with Person Under Investigation for Covid-19

If you would like the full document, click on the attached below to download it.

As always, stay safe everyone! And remember to wash those hands!


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