International Membership
International members shall be clinical psychologists who are Malaysian citizens but currently holds residence outside of Malaysia, OR clinical psychologists who are non-Malaysian but residing in Malaysia for a period of not less than twelve (12) months with prior approval from the Registrar of Societies.
Provisional Membership
Provisional members shall be individuals who have completed a minimum Master's degree in Clinical Psychology, but have not met the full criteria of a full membership registration (refer to https://www.mscp.my/memberships-guidelines for detailed description).
Student Membership Application
Student members shall be any individual currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in clinical psychology. (No student shall be admitted as a member of the Society without the prior permission in writing from the Vice Chancellor of the University or University College concerned).
Membership Fee
Full Membership – RM 120.00 annually
International Membership – RM 120.00 annually
International Affiliates – RM 100.00 annually
Student Membership – RM 50.00 annually
Provisional Membership – RM120.00 annually
Annual membership begins from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
All new applicants will be charged a one-time RM20 processing fee.
Student members upgrading to Full members, are considered New applicants, and will also be charged a one-time RM20 non-refundable processing fee. processing fee.
E.g. if you are applying for full membership, the total fee will be RM20 + RM120 = RM140
Membership Late Fee
A Late Fee penalty of RM15 is chargeable, if and/when a membership is lapsed for more than 3 months, beginning from April 1 to June 30 yearly. After June 30th, membership is considered lapsed and members will need to reapply with Full Membership Fee, including RM20 processing fee.
Notification of membership renewal deadline will be announced to all members before December 31 yearly, and 1 month before March 31.
Payment Method
Direct Banking option: Maybank Account (5140-9311-7359), under the name of Persatuan Psikologi Klinikal Malaysia
Kindly retain payment proof and upload it via application
Membership Flow

Allied Health Professions Act 2016
Please be informed that all clinical psychologists in Malaysia must adhere to the Allied Health Professions Act 2016.
Here are more information about the Allied Health Professions Act 2016:
1. Frequently Asked Questions of the Allied Health Professions Act 2016.
2. Application for registration as an Allied Health Professional.
3. Legislation to Practice: Allied Health Professions Act (Act 774).
4. Allied health workers to register with Health Ministry.
5. Allied Health Professions Act to be enforced.
6. 40,000 Allied health professionals required to register with Health Ministry.